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Course overview
Take advantage of this 6-Week Self Paced program designed to help you break into real estate investing or scale your current business. 
You will learn about wholesaling, rental investing, flipping and more!!!

  • WIth over than a dozen video modules
  • Quizzes to test your knowledge 
  • End of program final exam
  • Access to everything I've learned throughout the years 

Dive into this Real-Estate information at your own pace. You will get access to this vital program for 6 months! Don't miss out! 

Enroll Today!
Meet the instructor & Mentor

Morris Smith

Morris is a serial Entrepreneur, Real Estate Agent, and Investor. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Business Management and has been in the Real Estate Industry for 15 plus years.
Morris created this training platform aiming to educate and aid entrepreneurs in expanding into the real estate space, BTC Training Meet Up serves as a way for professionals, business owners, without experience in real estate, to gain expertise and resources that will allow them to locate exclusive properties, invest in unique real estate opportunities, and make smarter decisions in real estate. Morris has been teaching, motivating and providing coaching for the past 5 years! He has a true passion for Real Estate and is eager to share his knowledge!
Patrick Jones - Course author
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